Wednesday, June 9, 2010

BP Buying Ad Space All Over The Place

Yesterday it was reported that BP had bought up a bunch of ad space on Google and Yahoo. When you search for anything related to BP or the oil 'spill' a link to BP's Gulf Response PR page will be at the top of your screen.

I was just on my personal Facebook page and came across this gem:

All Facebook ads are posted with a little 'x' in the upper right hand corner. If you click on the 'x' it will bring up a question asking you why you don't like the ad. Your options are: Uninteresting, Misleading, Offensive, Repetitive, Other. I had a very difficult time choosing between Misleading and Offensive, but decided to go with Offensive. And since I did that, I will never have to see that ad again. A small, yet satisfying victory.

If only this advertising money was going towards saving wildlife and cleanup costs and the fishermen and everyone else affected by this disaster.

1 comment:

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